A Toast to Milestones: Celebrating at the SBS Tea Party 2024

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

A Wonderful Afternoon at the Swiss Embassy London

The clinking of teacups, lively chatter, and the warmth of camaraderie filled the air at the recent Annual SBS Tea Party. It was a truly special occasion, not only for the joy of reconnecting with fellow Swiss compatriots, but also for the opportunity to honour a remarkable group of individuals.

This year, the SBS invited Swiss citizens who celebrated their milestone birthdays of 80yrs, 85yrs, 90thyrs and onwards, to a special High Afternoon Tea held at the prestigious Swiss Embassy in London hosted by the SBS Patron Ambassador Leitner and SBS Chairwoman Suzanne Egloff.  A commemorative way to acknowledge each individual Swiss’s remarkable life journeys and the rich tapestry of Swiss heritage they represent in our community.

Revisit the Joy: A Glimpse into the Tea Party

Want to relive the happy memories and warm smiles from the event? View our online photo gallery. Immerse yourself in the spirit of the afternoon and see the joy of our community gathering.

Sharing Stories & Strengthening Bonds

The Trustees and Welfare Office were delighted to connect with so many of you. We were captivated by the stories of your journeys to London, your cherished Swiss roots, and the incredible experiences that have shaped your lives. It was a heartwarming afternoon filled with laughter, shared memories, and a genuine sense of community.

Beyond the Teacups: Your SBS Support Network

During the festivities, we realised that some of our guests may not be fully aware of the extensive support network offered by the Swiss Benevolent Society (SBS).

The SBS is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Swiss people of all ages facing challenges in London. Our Welfare Office offers a range of services designed to empower and support you.

Here’s how the SBS can assist you:

  • Wellbeing Support: We provide guidance and resources to help you navigate life’s difficulties.
  • Administrative Assistance: Need help with paperwork or dealing with agencies? We’re here to guide you.
  • Community Events: From the annual Tea Party to informative seminars, we foster a sense of connection and belonging.
  • Financial Assistance: We offer various forms of financial aid in times of need.

We understand that life can throw unexpected curveballs. That’s why the SBS goes beyond social gatherings. Our “Living Well Series” of public seminars tackles important topics like coping with loss and managing memory concerns.

We also address current issues. During the pandemic, we provided COVID hotlines and financial assistance. Now, with rising energy costs, we offer an energy grant plan to help those in need.

Supporting the SBS: Your Contribution Matters

The SBS relies on the generosity of the Swiss community and a small contribution from the Swiss Government to fund our services. We welcome Donations through bank transfer, online via our website, or by cheque.

Donate HERE

Connect with Us

If you require any support or wish to donate, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Nadine Hoffzimmer at info@swissbenevolent.org.uk or by phone on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 020 7836 9119.

We were truly inspired by the spirit of the Tea Party and the remarkable individuals we celebrated. The SBS is here to support you on your journey, every step of the way. We look forward to staying connected and fostering a vibrant Swiss community in London.